We are thrilled to release the Official Breeders' Cup Tie under our new bespoke label "Chester Stuart Bespoke". Our collection is hand made in England at the finest silk mills and custom designed by Stuart Mercer and Chet Lott in order to make a truly bespoke product for our clients. 

Bespoke - anything commissioned to a particular specification. It may be altered or tailored to the customs, tastes, or usage of an individual purchaser.

The Breeders' Cup Tie will be available at our Clay Avenue location in Lexington and our website. Also, during the Breeders' Cup it will be sold at the Breeders' Cup VIP Lounge at the Apiary, Marriott Griffin Gate and of course at Keenland just outside of the Keenland gift shop near the paddock area.

Official Breeders' Cup Necktie
Official Breeders' Cup Pocket Square

A tie for every gentleman's personality type!

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